Soldiers, we are recruiting!

Since 2021, I have endured numerous battles in the NFT arena. These conflicts have showcased the devastating impacts of poor decisions, leading to the downfall of entire projects.

In the face of this, I’m inspired to adopt a unique and innovative approach. Your valor and commitment are what we seek. Together, we can turn the tide and create a legacy that stands the test of time. Are you with us?

One Army. Three Corps

PFP ARMY will be deployed in three different chains. Which one will have the best soldiers?


Ethereum Corps


Solana Corps


Bitcoin Corps

Private John Rambo

Everyone is early here

We all start from the bottom

Are you weary of missing out on stealth launches, feeling always a step behind? Frustrated by stringent requirements or the lack of top-tier contacts for access? Deterred by the high costs associated with minting?

We’ve addressed all these concerns. At PFP ARMY, everyone is welcome. Enrolling is, and always will be, free of charge. There are no royalties, and no demanding prerequisites. Simply mint your soldier, and your mission begins.

Soldier rewards


Feel like high-rank/rare NFTs are always beyond your reach? In PFP ARMY, every soldier begins at the same level, offering everyone the chance to ascend the ranks and obtain a rarer PFP. This can be achieved simply by completing straightforward tasks, engaging with comrades, or by being a loyal soldier who holds onto your PFP for designated periods.

Which other project has offered you such opportunities until now? Uncle Sam understands exactly what you need.


Our model is very different and is centered on building a strong and participative community. Please, read in detail:

▪️ Mint details

  • Cross-chain collection: ETH, SOL and BTC
  • Ethereum Corps will be the first deployed for now
  • Max Supply in each chain: 8,192 soldiers
  • Price: Free
  • Royalties: 0%
  • Date: TBD
  • 500 soldiers per corp reserved for the founder 

▪️ Traits

The purpose is that everyone starts equal, so traits should be minimal. We are aiming for just:

  • Soldier ID
  • Rank
  • Medal
  • Flag

And maybe some visual little trait that we may add too.

▪️ Ranks

Rank constitutes the primary trait. For detailed information on the maximum supply available in each category, please consult the accompanying table.

Once the three Corps are fully operational and all promotions have been finalized, the General leading the most successful Corp at that moment—specifically, the one boasting the highest floor price—will ascend to the prestigious position of General of the Army, embodying the ultimate authority within the framework.

▪️ How promotion works

Each week, our Headquarters will orchestrate Zealy Quests, offering you the opportunity to accrue points through the completion of straightforward tasks. As the week concludes, soldiers achieving the highest scores will be eligible for promotion to their subsequent rank. For more detailed information, please refer to the accompanying table.

Additionally, simply retaining possession of your PFP (Profile Picture) — without transferring or selling it — will also yield rewards. Medals will be awarded in recognition of this commitment.

Stay engaged, complete tasks, and maintain your loyalty to reap the benefits and honors that await. Your dedication and achievements will not go unnoticed.

All of these changes will be implemented through updates to the collection's metadata.

▪️ Team, Art and Updates

Please be aware that this project is a dynamic work in progress, overseen by a single individual. The art will continually evolve, featuring enhanced designs such as distinct helmets for each rank. Additionally, traits may also be modified based on ideas contributed by the community.

Efforts made during the challenging initial phase will be recognized and rewarded with promotions.

Given the need for ongoing metadata updates until the conclusion of the game, the project will not achieve the level of decentralization initially desired. However, once completed, the goal is to transition to a fully autonomous contract.

Weekly Promotions

Wait, what happens with 

69,420 rarer PFP ARMY

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Our Unique Approach

We offer something different


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitatio

Low entry barrier

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitatio

Building all together

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitatio

Auditing provides

Our team will perform a full audit on your smart contract to ensure all security measures.

Contract build

If you're starting a project, finding developers you can trust and have a proven track .

Emergency rebuild

If for any reason we do find high risk issue in the contract close to your launch, we can .

Website build

You'll be pleased to know that we offer website design and to development to help kickstart.

Endless Meme Potential


What is the objective behind all these efforts?

This initiative is an experimental endeavor. Our aim is to explore various strategies to ascertain whether a more sustainable and equitable model can be established for NFT collections and their collectors.

Benefits for Early Supporters

In addition to the privilege of advancing your PFP's rank earlier, you will also receive rewards for future corps. This ensures that early supporters are not only recognized for their initial involvement but are also rewarded in the long term as the project expands.

When will the other corps be deployed?"